Sunday, December 21, 2014

December 8, 2014

December 8, 2014

I am doing great. 

We saw Meet the Mormons the other week. Solid movie. 10/10. Would recommend, even if I wasn't a missionary. :P

The new Mission President is really pushing for us to be "full-purpose missionaries" in that we invite ALL others to come unto Christ. That means investigators, but also all of the members, etc. We're now an integral part of the ward council in helping everyone receive the ordinances necessary for salvation.

The work in this area is moving forward. We're working very closely with the Elders Quorum to revitalize our ward's home teaching program. Something that's very different here from Lehi is that not a whole lot of home teaching is done. 3 months ago when I came here to this ward, the figure was something like 13% of families in the ward had been home taught in the last month. In the last year, only about 30 or 40% of families had been home taught. So... A lot of our visits and calls that we've made this week were to determine if people still lived at the addresses given and then to determine if they would take home teachers, accept missionaries, or that sort of thing.

We've had a lot of success this week with praying for where to go and what to say. This week, through prayerfully planned trips, we finally made contact with a ward member that several others refer to as a "personage of spirit" in that nobody in the ward (except for her mother) has made contact with her for years, but her mother (who is also pretty hard to contact) says that she's always around the home - she's just never there when anybody visits. We had an excellent visit and got new contact information to update the directory with.

There's a talk I've been really studying the last week or two that I'd definitely recommend: Ask in Faith, by David A. Bednar

Elder Gary Crye

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